This Practice Alert addresses Patel’s second holding: that false claims to U.S. citizenship render noncitizens removable even if the claim had no possible impact on the decision or application at issue—that is, even if the false citizenship claim is...
This two-day training discusses how to best represent clients with convictions in immigration court.
This two-day training discusses how to best represent clients with convictions in immigration court.
On July 30, 2020, the Attorney General (AG) issued Matter of Reyes, 28 I&N Dec. 52 (A.G. 2020), where he endorsed a novel theory of removability. This practice alert provides a summary of the decision and potential practice tips for both immigration...
This day-long Continuing Legal Education (CLE) course is designed for criminal defense attorneys and immigration attorneys who represent noncitizens in criminal cases or who have criminal convictions.
In this practice alert, we will summarize the proposed changes to the PSC definition and identify the potential impact of the expanded PSC bar on applicants for asylum and employment authorization. Attached to this alert is Appendix A, which...