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Technical Assistance

The National Immigration Project is proud to offer technical assistance to its members.

What we offer:

  • Technical assistance and case support by our staff of experts
  • Priority for administrative advocacy with administrative agencies and communications support for your clients or members
  • Priority for amicus brief requests

How to access:

To receive support from a staff member in any of our areas of expertise, please complete the form found in the NIPNLG Member Portal and be sure to include any relevant details related to your request, including any time-sensitive court or filing dates.

Please log in to the member portal and follow the steps below:

  1. Log into your membership portal - HERE.
  2. Click the dropdown box in the upper right hand corner that says, "What would you like to do?" and select "Member Technical Assistance”
  3. Complete and submit the request form linked in the portal on the Member Technical Assistance page. 

Having trouble logging in to the member portal? Click here to reset your password or email us at

Once we receive your technical assistance request, one of our staff members will get in touch with you via email within three business days. 

We provide technical support in all immigration issues areas and have expertise in the following topics:

  • Crim-imm (including Padilla advice, criminal bars, and post-conviction relief)
  • Removal defense, BIA appeals, and immigration court practice
  • Motions to Reopen
  • Asylum
  • Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) and unaccompanied children
  • Enforcement, case campaigns, admin advocacy, and policy support
  • National security, TRIG, denaturalization, and related issues
  • Habeas, detention, and federal litigation
  • Mandamus
  • USCIS Benefits
  • Deferred Action for Labor Enforcement (DALE)
  • Other

Remember that even if the topic of your request falls outside the issue areas listed here, you may still request technical assistance.

If you are uncertain about your membership status, please contact us at If you wish to become a member of NIPNLG, please click here to join.