With the Trump Administration adopting harsh anti-immigrant policies and the Attorney General Jeff Sessions prioritizing immigration-related prosecutions, there is growing concern that federal law enforcement could expansively interpret the criminal...
Few are aware that Congress provided a statutory remedies in 8 U.S.C. § 1229(e)2 that may enable an individual who the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) arrests at certain protected locations to terminate removal proceedings. At a time when DHS...
This practice advisory contains practical and legal suggestions for individuals seeking to return to the United States after they have prevailed on a petition for review or a motion to reopen or reconsider to the immigration court or Board of...
This practice advisory discusses the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) decision in Matter of Davey, 26 I&N Dec. 37 (BIA 2012) and its holding that the categorical approach does not apply to the “possession of 30 grams of marijuana” exception to...
This advisory describes (1) the Court’s decision in Vartelas; (2) its potential impact on LPRs who take brief trips abroad; (3) suggested steps that lawyers (or immigrants themselves) may take immediately in pending or already concluded removal...