This practice advisory discusses the Supreme Court’s decisions in Niz-Chavez, Pereira and Campos-Chaves, and provides strategies for practitioners to consider in cases where the client’s NTA was defective. As this area of the law continues to develop...
On July 29, 2024, an important new Executive Office for Immigration Review final rule, Efficient Case and Docket Management in Immigration Proceedings, goes into effect. Among other things, the rule codifies the authority of immigration judges and...
The purpose of this guide is to provide practitioners with a comprehensive resource for representing adult clients detained by DHS in immigration court bond proceedings.
Beyond the evidentiary framework in immigration court, the faculty will discuss common objections to DHS questions and strategic considerations. Finally, to illustrate how to object effectively in immigration court, the faculty will role play various...
The Department of Homeland Security’s Family Reunification Task Force has established a parole process for persons who were separated at the U.S.-Mexico border as a result of the Trump administration’s Zero-Tolerance Policy and other similar Trump...
Until Congress fixes the SIJS visa backlog, SIJS youth must wait years before a visa is available for them to seek lawful permanent residence. This resource is intended to help SIJS advocates better understand the system used by the U.S. Department...
1-11 Webinar Series Bundle. These recordings are eligible for CLE credit. The number of credits approved for these recorded sessions are based on those rewarded by the Washington State Bar. If you are barred outside of the Washington State, please...
As Congress continuously fails to pass humane immigration legislation, many noncitizens remain vulnerable to removal from the United States. While this legislative failure affects all noncitizens negatively, Congress’s failure to enact meaningful...
This Practice Advisory is an update on the FAQs NIPNLG released in October 2023. Following advocacy by NIPNLG with USCIS concerning some unclear language in its Guidance, USCIS updated its instructions on February 12, 2024. This updated Practice...
On December 1, 2023, the Board of Immigration Appeals issued a precedential decision, Matter of M‑R‑M‑S‑, 28 I&N Dec. 757 (BIA 2023), which purports to narrow the circumstances in which asylum seekers can prove that their membership in a family-based...