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National Immigration Project Applauds Biden Admin's Guidance on Immigration Relief for Workers

Posted: Jan. 13, 2023

For Immediate Release
January 13, 2023

Arianna Rosales, National Immigration Project,

Washington, DC - The National Immigration Project commends the Biden administration's move to ensure that workers who are potential victims or witnesses in pending labor investigations will temporarily live free from fear of deportation from the United States. The administration's policy guidance is a result of unyielding advocacy by labor organizers and immigration and civil rights organizations that believe that workers must be free to assert their workplace rights irrespective of their immigration status.

"As immigration lawyers, we have seen too many of our clients suffer workplace abuses they were too afraid to report for fear of retribution by unscrupulous employers," said Ann Garcia, Staff Attorney at the National Immigration Project. "While temporary, the new DHS guidance will help protect workers in precarious immigration situations and in so doing help ensure that labor exploitation is allowed to come to light. This in turn will improve labor conditions for all workers."

The National Immigration Project looks forward to helping immigration lawyers as they navigate this new deferred action process.


The National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild (NIPNLG) is a national non-profit organization that provides technical assistance and support to community-based immigrant organizations, legal practitioners, and all advocates seeking and working to advance the rights of noncitizens. NIPNLG utilizes impact litigation, advocacy, and public education to pursue its mission. Learn more at Follow NIPNLG on social media: National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild on Facebook, @NIPNLG on Twitter and Instagram.