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Immigrants and Immigrant Rights Defenders Need Our Support!

Oct. 16, 2024

Dear ally,

Thanks to you, this summer the National Immigration Project won a settlement for four  families separated at the border under Trump, negotiating nearly $2.5 million for 10 families. While no amount of money can make up for what these people went through, the settlement does provide a measure of closure and justice for the families who were so deeply harmed.

What else did your donation contribute to? 

Winning relief for families who’ve endured trauma and pain. 

Successfully challenging an unjust legal system. 

Every day, you help defend immigrants. Arbitrarily detained immigrants like Carlos.  People like Abu, who suffered abuse and use of force while in detention. People like Wilson, separated from his son at the border (whom you helped to reunite). The chipping away at  government abuse and mistreatment. 

I need you to stay in the fight.

Make sure that attorneys and advocates in immigrant communities get the skills  they need to fight in the courts, on the streets, and in the halls of power. 

As one person wrote: 

I can't thank you enough. [W]hen I agreed to help four Afghans with their cases, I felt constant anxiety that my ignorance would harm my clients. Then I found you. And thanks to your [technical assistance] and your [removal defense] course, my client won asylum! His wife and children will now be able to come to safety in the U.S.

Whatever happens in November, together we have a big role to play. Your donation makes a huge difference! Because it equips the front lines - immigrants, advocates, and defenders - and builds stronger communities. 

We’re in it for the long haul.  

With allies and friends.  

Can we count on you? 

In communities and courtrooms, up and down ballot, let’s make this a parade of hope.  Hope in our vision of a world in which everyone can live freely and flourish. 

For 53 years the National Immigration Project has been in this fight, good times and  bad. With you, we will continue in this struggle no matter what - and win little and big. 

Please contribute to immigrant rights today.

With hope and perseverance, 

Sirine Shebaya 
Executive Director 

P.S. Please donate today. For a future in which everyone can live freely and flourish. 

P.P.S. Support our work. Educate, Advocate, Litigate. And make an immediate impact in  immigrant lives. Thank you!