Dear Friend,
If you have ever:
- Been desperate for an argument to keep someone from being deported
- Needed a strategy to advocate with the Biden administration on behalf of someone
- Wanted key legal or communications support for a campaign to protect immigrants in your state or area
- Held an event and worried about protecting people from ICE harassment, or
- Needed the most up-to-date facts about a new immigration policy
— then chances are you contacted the National Immigration Project and found the help, resource, or advice you needed.
Keeping our movement strong and smart — that’s why I’m asking for your support.
To provide critical expertise to over 2,000 attorneys, advocates, immigrant groups, students, citizens and noncitizens alike – people who, like you, are passionate about immigrant rights.
Here’s some of the difference you’ve made in recent weeks —
- Breaking down the Biden Asylum Ban as soon as it was announced, and explaining how this complicated rule is intended to work.
- Documenting the plight of asylum seekers in Matamoros and Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico, in the report, Facing an Impossible Choice, and articulating the path for change
- Spelling out the new labor-based deferred action process and then creating a community resource answering top questions from immigrants about how the new process works.
- Leading over 100 civil and immigrant rights organizations in two different letters calling upon DHS to end its harmful enforcement practices and reunite families that have been separated.
- Filing a complaint decrying the use of solitary confinement for immigrants in Colorado, and
- Leading Know Your Rights trainings for immigrant rights advocates in Texas, where they are facing increasing harassment by state police.
We don’t have the ability to stop all unlawful deportation and misuse of government authority.
But we CAN help win strategic cases and campaigns that keep communities together.
That’s where you come in: This work of justice is vital, and immigrants deserve all the support we can muster.
I am in this for the long haul. I know you are, too. Can I count on you for a contribution today?
It’s such an honor to be in this work with you. It means so much that I can come to you for your support. Together we are anchoring the movement.
Give today. Immigrants, communities, and advocates depend on it.
With gratitude,

Sirine Shebaya
Executive Director
p.s. Did you know that your gift can be made online, via donor-advised fund, with IRA income, or securities? Contact for further information. Tax-deductible? That too!